Monday 18 February 2008


Julie has pressed the wrong button and has started to wash someone else's clothes. on entering the laundrette it had taken me a long while to decipher the instructions but I am able to use some of my new found knowledge to stop the spin-cycle. After talking a little about the trip, she says she has some friends over and asks if I'd like to pop over to the flat for a glass of wine. Julian, Ines and Irene are Spanish but in France for the Erasmus program. After a delicious dinner of brocilli pasta, washed down with an excellent Bordeaux in a Coca Cola glass, we decide to head out for a walk in the town.

TRAVELLERS TIP: Beware conversations in three languages. for example:

Persona Una: 'Bonheur' is 'feliz' in Spanish. What is it in English?

Personne Deux: A penis.

Person Three: Well, yes, but that's quite a slang term. You're right it can refer to an erection though.

Persona Una & Personne Deux: ?

Person Three: (Mimes)

Personne Deux: I thought it just meant 'appiness.

Person Three: Er... (Embarrassed silence follows)

Bordeaux's recently restored buildings are gloriously lit and it is a beautiful place to stroll through at night despite being considerably chillier than Spain. We walk beside the river badly singing Beatles songs badly translated into French: Nous habitons dans une jaune sousmarine, anyone?


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